Interested in Brown University? Meet Amanda, former Assistant Director of Admission at Brown!

The Essential Guide to Acing the College Application Process

While the application process may seem intimidating at first, every student’s college admissions journey is an opportunity to discover more about themselves and their academic goals. With the right strategy, all students will be able to identify their own best-fit schools and showcase why they deserve a spot on campus. 

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ChatGPT in College Admissions

If you’ve been paying attention to education or technology news lately, you’ve likely heard a lot about ChatGPT, the new tool from OpenAI that generates astonishingly human-like text based on prompts and questions submitted by the user. We have been getting a lot of questions about this tool and how it should or should not be used in the college application process. Because this is a new advancement and I am far from a technological expert, I thought it would be best to pose these questions to the tool itself.

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The Importance of Early College Preparation

The college process can feel overwhelming, especially when students get a late start. From compiling a best-fit list to writing essays, there are many steps in the college application process. Consequently, we always encourage students to start early and build executive functioning skills that will serve them throughout college and beyond. While high school is undoubtedly a crucial time, there are several steps students and families can take to start preparing long before ninth grade.

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Which AP and IB Courses Count for College Credit and How?

Taking AP or IB courses doesn’t just look good from a college admissions perspective—these classes can also translate into college credit once a student enrolls. While policies vary by college, many universities will grant college credits that go towards specific course requirements, in turn allowing students to free up some room in their schedules. Even if AP and IB courses are only applied towards a student’s overall credit count, completing advanced classes is a great way to get a jump start on college.

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When to Use a Comma to Separate Phrases — and Other Comma Questions

By Carolyn, IvyWise College Admissions Counselor

In eighth grade, my English teacher Mrs. Houlihan told me that I was the only student in my class who knew how and when to use a comma. That feedback stuck with me, not just because it made me feel like the greatest student of all time (which, let’s be honest, I totally was), but because it made me realize the awesome power of the comma. For such a tiny piece of punctuation, the comma packs a mighty punch, in that using it correctly or incorrectly is one of the most glaring signs that a writer either does or does not know what they’re doing.

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Figuring Out Your College Visit Packing List

Every college visit is a crucial part of the college search process. After all, the best way to learn about a college and its campus is to actually experience it first-hand. The spring semester is a great time to start planning college visits, as students have upcoming spring breaks that they can use to travel.

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Study Tips for High School Students

The key to good grades is studying the material so that students understand the concepts and can apply them in the classroom. However, many students don’t practice effective study methods in high school, causing them to either memorize and forget information, or not fully grasp the concepts. These bad study habits can roll over into college – making the transition into a college course load even more difficult. You can avoid this by following some simple but effective study tips.

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IvyWise Students Share Their Top College Prep Tips

For current high school seniors, the college application season is in full swing. We caught up with our Class of 2023 IvyWise Scholars to learn more about their college admissions journeys, what it’s like to work with IvyWise during this process, and get some of their college prep tips for other college-bound students.

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5 Ways to Narrow Down Your College List

Finalizing your list of best-fit schools is one of the most important steps of the college application process. Between writing supplemental essays, finalizing personal statements, and requesting letters of recommendation, there’s a lot that students need to prioritize – and often, they put off the difficult task of narrowing down their long list of best-fit schools. Keep reading to learn more about what you should keep top of mind so that you can narrow down your college list and stay ahead of the game on all of your applications.

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NYU vs Columbia: Which School Is the Better One?

Students interested in going to school in New York City often prioritize two colleges: New York University (NYU) and Columbia University. Although these institutions are located in the same metropolitan area, New York City, there are several key differences between them.

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