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Updated: Friday, November 29, 2024

Colleges That Don’t Honor Score Choice

Learn How Score Choice Works and Which Schools Honor It

For high school students navigating the college application process, the back-to-school season is about a lot more than starting new classes. In addition to coursework, many students are preparing all of the components of their college applications, including submitting test scores.

Although it may seem straightforward initially, sending in scores isn’t as simple as it sounds because different colleges have different policies regarding what test scores are required and how they can be reported. Keep reading for more information about reporting your standardized test scores, how Score Choice works, and what prospective applicants need to know before hitting submit.

The Basics
Score Choice is a CollegeBoard policy for the SAT and SAT Subject Tests that allows you to put your best foot forward when sending in your test scores. Schools that accept Score Choice allow students to send only the scores they want to share, meaning they don’t have to send any scores that they are disappointed with. Rather than sending numerous score reports, students can highlight their best scores from various SAT and SAT Subject Tests

The Benefits
Every applicant wants to present their best selves to an admissions committee. Much like you only submit a final essay draft to a college, Score Choice allows students to share only their “final” version scores, or those that they are most proud of. This is particularly beneficial for students who received some test scores that there were far lower than their best performance and for test takers who saw a big improvement upon retaking an exam.

Use it to Your Advantage
If the schools you are applying to honor Score Choice, use it to your advantage. Instead of sending all of your score reports, review each test outcome and choose those that you are most proud of. This way, schools will only see one or two reports of your choosing. If you fail to use Score Choice, all of your SAT test results are automatically sent to the colleges on your list. It’s also important to note that even if you choose to participate in Score Choice, some of your colleges might require you to submit all of your SAT scores, based on their own internal policies.

Find Out if a School Honors Score Choice
Given the benefits of highlighting your best scores, many students may be eager to find out if their best-fit schools honor Score Choice. We have compiled a list of colleges that do not honor Score Choice, meaning they require students to submit all SAT scores. These schools include:

  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Clarkson University
  • Coker College
  • College of Charleston
  • College of St. Benedict
  • Duquesne University
  • East Georgia State College
  • Elon University
  • Georgetown University
  • Gonzaga University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Loyola University, New Orleans
  • Ohio Wesleyan University
  • Seattle University
  • Shorter University
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • University of South Carolina
  • Yale University

Stay Up to Date
The list above can be useful for learning more about which schools honor Score Choice, but students should note that these policies are subject to change. Consequently, all applicants need to check university webpages to ensure they have the most updated information available before sending in applications.

In order for high school students to make the most of the back to school season, it’s important to stay focused on every component of the college application process, including testing. If you are preparing for standardized exams or looking for admissions guidance, our team of expert counselors and tutors can help make sure you are on the right track.



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