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How to Write the Columbia University Supplemental Essays

Columbia University is a popular choice for many students. Its prime location in the heart of New York City and its renowned Core Curriculum are just two of the many reasons this Ivy League institution receives tens of thousands of applications each year.

You might ask yourself, “how do I get into Columbia University?” Because Columbia is one of the most selective universities in the U.S., you should ensure that every component of your application, including your supplemental essays, are top notch. Read on to learn how to help your writing stand out to Columbia’s admissions officers.

How Many Supplemental Essays Does Columbia Have?

Every college has different essay requirements and guidelines. Students applying to Columbia University are asked to respond to five supplemental essays. These include one list question with a 100-word limit and four short-answer questions — each with a 150-word maximum.

2024-25 Columbia-Specific Application Questions

If you want to write the best possible supplemental essays and question responses for Columbia University, it’s important to carefully review the list question and each essay prompt.

List Question

For the list question that follows, there is a 100 word maximum. Please refer to the below guidance when answering this question:

  • Your response should be a list of items separated by commas or semicolons.
  • Items do not have to be numbered or in any specific order.
  • It is not necessary to italicize or underline titles of books or other publications.
  • No author names, subtitles or explanatory remarks are needed.


List a selection of texts, resources and outlets that have contributed to your intellectual development outside of academic courses, including but not limited to books, journals, websites, podcasts, essays, plays, presentations, videos, museums and other content that you enjoy.  (100 words or fewer)

Short Answer Questions

For the four short answer questions, please respond in 150 words or fewer.

  • A hallmark of the Columbia experience is being able to learn and thrive in an equitable and inclusive community with a wide range of perspectives. Tell us about an aspect of your own perspective, viewpoint or lived experience that is important to you, and describe how it has shaped the way you would learn from and contribute to Columbia’s diverse and collaborative community. (150 words or fewer)
  • In college/university, students are often challenged in ways that they could not predict or anticipate. It is important to us, therefore, to understand an applicant’s ability to navigate through adversity. Please describe a barrier or obstacle you have faced and discuss the personal qualities, skills or insights you have developed as a result. (150 words or fewer)
  • Why are you interested in attending Columbia University? We encourage you to consider the aspect(s) that you find unique and compelling about Columbia. (150 words or fewer)
  • What attracts you to your preferred areas of study at Columbia College or Columbia Engineering? (150 words or fewer)

How Do You Answer the Columbia List Question?

The list question might look simple, but it can actually be one of the most challenging parts of Columbia’s application process because the word limit is so low. This question will force you to think strategically and choose every word carefully to achieve maximum impact.

Think back and try to pinpoint the texts, media, and other outlets that had the greatest impact on you and your personal journey. This list should be all about what you enjoy learning in your spare time rather than inside of the classroom. Choose sources that are meaningful to you and align with the academic goals and extracurricular interests that you’ve articulated throughout your application.

How to Write Columbia Supplemental Essays

Students also need to prioritize the short answer questions in Columbia’s supplemental essay section. Here are a few top tips on how to tackle each question:

Supplement Question #1

The first Columbia supplemental essay question asks students to reflect on their ability to work with peers with different perspectives. The most impactful responses to this question will focus on an applicant’s desire to learn from those who are different from them and that highlight the applicant’s commitment to expanding their worldview. Ideally, answers will reference specific times in which the student contributed to collaborative communities that are diverse and unified.

Supplement Question #2

To respond to this essay prompt, focus on a specific obstacle or challenge you have faced. Briefly describe the situation and its impact on you, then emphasize the personal qualities or skills you used to overcome it. Highlight how this experience helped you grow, whether by developing resilience, problem-solving abilities, or gaining new insights. Keep your response concise and reflective, ensuring that it demonstrates your capacity to handle adversity in a college or university setting.

Supplement Question #3

Most colleges have some version of a “Why this college?” prompt and Columbia is no exception. The best responses demonstrate that you have done your research and that you are an expert on what Columbia has to offer. This means that you will name specific clubs, professors, research programs, and courses that excite you.

Supplement Question #4

This question asks you to articulate why you are passionate about a field of study that you wish to continue to focus on in college. Since you only have 150 words to devote to this response, stick to one subject that really interests you and fully explain why you are interested in that topic. Aim to include specific examples and anecdotes that highlight your commitment to that field, as well as any future goals you may have.

Evergreen Tips for Writing the Columbia Supplemental Essays

While some tips are specific to certain Columbia supplemental essay questions, we also have a few general pointers:

Answer the Question

It might be tempting, but don’t go off topic, even if you have something interesting to share. Admissions officers want to see that you’re capable of following directions and giving them the exact information that they’re looking for. Reread each of your answers to make sure every point directly ties back to the question that is being asked. If you’re not sure whether it’s relevant, it’s better to play it safe by editing it out or asking someone you trust for their feedback.

Express Your Values

Each of Columbia’s supplemental essay questions gives you an opportunity to express your opinions and articulate what makes you unique. Avoid giving cookie-cutter answers. Instead, embrace the traits and quirks that set you apart from the pack.

Focus on the “Why Columbia?” Question

The “Why Columbia?” short answer question is one of the most important prompts on the Columbia application. Admissions officers are looking to accept students who are passionate about attending, so it’s important to let your love of Columbia University shine through. Take time to do your research, be specific, and articulate exactly what kind of impact you would like to make on campus.

Discuss a Future Career Path

Other top college application essay tips include highlighting a view toward the future and your career aspirations. Admissions officers are interested in learning about your long-term goals and the kind of legacy you wish to create. When you discuss your passions and goals, don’t be afraid to think long-term and write about what you hope to accomplish post-graduation, even five or ten years down the line.

Need Help With Your Supplemental Essays?

The application process for top-tier colleges like Columbia is complex, and virtually every student can benefit from some college admissions assistance. If you’re looking to learn what you can do to stand out for all of the right reasons, our team of expert admissions counselors is here to help.

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