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Updated: Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Test Prep 101: What You Need to Know About the LSAT

The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is an important part of the admissions process for aspiring law students. Designed to assess the critical skills necessary for success in law school, the LSAT evaluates reading comprehension, logical reasoning, and persuasive writing skills. Beginning in August 2024, law school hopefuls will see a change in the exam’s format. If you’re preparing to take the LSAT during the 2024-25 testing cycle, here’s what you need to know.  

How Is the LSAT Structured? 

The LSAT has two components: the multiple-choice test and the writing test. The multiple-choice exam contains three scored sections and one unscored section. Each section is 35 minutes long.

Through the 2023-24 testing cycle — which ends in June — the three scored sections focus on reading comprehension, logical reasoning, and analytical reasoning. Starting in August 2024, the test will contain two scored sections in logical reasoning and one scored section in reading comprehension. The fourth, unscored section is for the purpose of testing new questions for possible inclusion in future exams.

The LSAT Writing test is taken separately from the multiple-choice test and is administered remotely. Unlike the multiple-choice exam, the writing test can be taken on-demand at your convenience — test takers can access the exam starting eight days prior to their testing date for the multiple-choice exam. For this exam, you are given 35 minutes to write a persuasive essay in response to a prompt.

How Is the LSAT Administered?

When you register for the LSAT, you can take the exam at a testing center or remotely with a live proctor. This allows you to take the exam in a way that is most comfortable for you. Regardless of which option you choose, the test is administered in a digital format, though braille or the traditional paper and pencil format are available as accommodations at testing centers.

Students who opt to take the multiple-choice exam remotely must use the camera and microphone on their computer as well as meet all the technology requirements. All test takers receive a 10-minute break between the second and third sections of the test.

How Is the LSAT Scored?

The score scale for the LSAT multiple-choice exam is 120-180 — all test questions are weighted the same. It’s important to note that you are not penalized for incorrect answers, so it’s better to make an educated guess than to skip questions if you don’t know the answer. The LSAT Writing exam is not scored; however, test takers must submit this test in order to receive their score for the multiple-choice test.

How Do I Prepare for the LSAT? 

You can find free LSAT test prep resources through Khan Academy and LSAC LawHub. Khan Academy offers 12 full simulated practice tests and a personalized practice plan that includes interactive lessons and instructional videos. LawHub’s test prep resources include unlimited practice with the test interface. While these resources are robust and very useful for self-studying, test prep tutoring can be invaluable to your preparations as well. A test prep tutor can help you with pacing and time management strategies, and overcoming test anxiety, which can help you feel more confident and prepared on exam day.

With the upcoming changes to the LSAT, it’s important to note when the changes will take place and how to prepare. At IvyWise, we’re always abreast of the latest trends and changes in testing, and our team of expert tutors can help you navigate the latest changes.  Contact us today to learn how we can personalize test prep to your needs and goals.

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