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Premier College Admissions Counselor

Admissions Experience

Former Assistant Director of Admissions at University of Chicago and Sarah Lawrence College


U.S. Southeast


Highly Selective Admissions
International Students
Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Visual and Performing Arts

Counselor Profile

Victoria specializes in students interested in a wide range of schools, students seeking admission to highly selective schools, and fine arts students. 

As an IvyWise counselor, Victoria helps students and families seeking admission to every type of school — from hyper-competitive universities to smaller liberal arts schools — navigate the many sides of the college application process. Her extensive experience as an undergraduate admissions and school-based counselor is foundational to her work with students, giving her unique insight into how to work with them in a fun and motivating way that keeps them organized and on track to reach their admissions goals.  

When counseling IvyWise students, Victoria is hands-on and approachable, working intensively with them to manage this process, stay organized, and hit all college prep milestones. She aims to make the college prep and planning process as fun as possible and enjoys helping students discover something about themselves they weren’t previously aware of. 

Victoria previously served as an Assistant Director of Admissions at both the University of Chicago and Sarah Lawrence College. She also worked as a college counselor at an independent high school in Las Vegas, NV, giving her key insight into the student application process from the vantage point of a school official. Her comprehensive admissions and college counseling experience, coupled with her extensive college visit roster (over 40 and counting!), makes her an excellent source of knowledge and guidance for students building their balanced college lists. She has proven results helping students craft aspirational yet realistic college admissions goals.  

As a student at the University of Chicago, Victoria focused on interdisciplinary studies in the humanities and theater and performance studies. Her love of performing and the arts enhance her expertise in working with academically and artistically talented students who are applying to highly competitive colleges, universities, art schools, and conservatories. She uses her excellent organizational skills to help these students curate portfolio or performance pieces above and beyond their compelling applications.  

Victoria knows that some of the best stories come from honest reflections and interesting experiences but that it can be hard for students to represent themselves as the wonderful and unique people they are. She uses her improv training to help students think outside the box when writing about their lives and experiences. She is especially effective with students who struggle to find or tell their narrative through the essay process — leading to these great “aha!” moments.      

Her creative approach to college counseling also helps her students manage the complexities of this process while also alleviating the anxiety associated with it. 

Besides a love for the arts and performing, Victoria also has a passion for music, biking, food, and traveling. She loves animals and has a small dog and feisty tabby cat that occasionally insist on meeting her students! 

Counselor Features



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