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IvyWise KnowledgeBase
College Planning

IvyWise Tips for the College Transition

Tips for the College Transition

Making the jump from high school to college can be exciting, but also overwhelming for some students. With college life comes more independence, but also significantly more responsibilities than students may be used to at home. It’s easy to have a smooth college transition, however, if students keep these simple tips in mind.

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Striking a Balance: Working with Both Independent and School-Based College Counselors

Whether you’re working with your school-based college counselor, an independent college admissions consultant, or both during your college admissions journey, there’s one thing that you can’t afford to do, and that’s miss opportunities to tap the knowledge and resources of the staff and teachers at your school.

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IvyWise Why Is College Important?

Why Is College Important?

Families preparing for the college admissions process hear a lot about the ROI of a college degree. Which school gives you the most return on your investment? Which major will pay off the most immediately after graduation and the years after? What many families forget to consider, however, is why college matters outside of the measurable metrics. While earning more income after graduation is one major reason to attend college, students also want to further explore their interests, discover more about themselves, and enhance their lives.

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How Important Are Legacy College Admissions?

There are many nuances to the college admissions process, and one of the aspects that can be hard for students to navigate is whether or not applying to their parents’ alma mater will impact their chances of admission. Legacy status in college admissions can be a confusing avenue to travel, but there can be some benefits — and drawbacks — to applying to college as a legacy.

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Students: Tips for Cultivating Teacher Relationships

Letters of recommendation, especially those from your junior year teachers, are a key component of your college applications. Colleges recognize that your teachers spend significant time with you and, therefore, trust them to provide a candid picture of who you are as a scholar and a person.

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IvyWise Not Just Business as Usual: Exploring an Undergraduate Business Degree

Not Just Business as Usual: Exploring an Undergraduate Business Degree

Despite the current economy, a business education is still a hot commodity—and if you’ve found yourself glued to MarketWatch.com, thinking about how to launch your great business idea, or wowed by the impact of Twitter and Facebook on customer service, you might want to consider a school with an undergraduate business program.

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IvyWise Parents' Guide to the Sibling Dynamic in College Admissions

Parents’ Guide to the Sibling Dynamic in College Admissions

Every child is unique — even if you have twins and sextuplets! As the fall provides you with an opportunity to reflect on how much your children have grown and developed into young adults, you may be dealing with the dynamic of sibling rivalry. We hope the following provides a quick guide to help you manage your role as parent when your children apply to college.

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Greek Life: To Rush or Not to Rush?

When it comes to Greek life, students are pretty divided about joining a fraternity or sorority. Some students know they’re going to pledge, others are sure they want to skip it, and the rest haven’t made up their minds yet.

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The Benefits of Honors Programs

It is fairly common knowledge that most high schools offer honors and advanced placement courses for students looking to be challenged in their coursework. But did you know that colleges and universities also offer similar programs for undergraduate students through honors colleges?

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IvyWise How Parents Can Be Supportive During College Apps

How Parents Can Be Supportive During College Apps

Early decision and early action deadlines are quickly approaching, and as we enter the homestretch of the college application process, anxiety will continue to build. Stressed out students can lead to stressed out parents — and that can make for a tense household.

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