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IvyWise KnowledgeBase

IvyWise Preparing for College Admissions When You Change Schools

Preparing for College Admissions When You Change Schools

You have it down to a science — you know the best way to get up to speed on class schedules and which clubs to join. Or perhaps this is your first time moving and you’re a little nervous about attending a new school. From a personal perspective, you have so much to consider.

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IvyWise Building Your U.S. College List as an International Student

Building Your U.S. College List as an International Student

Before you begin your final year of secondary school, it’s important to finalize your college list — a complete list of all the colleges or universities to which you will apply. We recommend a balanced mix of 13-15 likely, target, and reach colleges for this list. But how do you get to this point?

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IvyWise Exploring the Advantages of College Consortiums

Exploring the Advantages of College Consortiums

When you’re looking at colleges, you might come across the term “consortium,” which refers to a group of colleges that collaborate to expand the resources and opportunities available to their students. For high school students considering their future college options, it’s important to understand what consortium colleges can offer. Let’s dive into what these consortiums are and highlight some examples to help you see the unique opportunities they provide.

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IvyWise IvyWise An Expat's Guide to U.S. College Admissions

An Expat’s Guide to U.S. College Admissions

Embarking on the U.S. college application journey as an expat can feel as puzzling as your first day at your new international school — despite your well-developed cultural adaptability, cross-cultural communication skills, and unique global perspective. Having spent my formative years attending an American school in the Netherlands, I felt equally perplexed by the U.S. college admissions process. I was excited at the prospect of living in the U.S. for the first time since I was four years old; however, I was scared to be an ocean away from my family and nervous about how to navigate the process.

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4 Tips to Stay Organized During the College Application Process

Imagine that you’re applying to 10+ schools this fall. You’re spending what seems like an eternity trying to find that one email X college sent you, scrolling endlessly through your inbox. Maybe you can’t remember where you saved your latest essay draft for Y college on your laptop. What a headache!

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IvyWise A Former Admissions Officer's Hidden Gem Colleges, Part 2

A Former Admissions Officer’s Hidden Gem Colleges, Part 2

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IvyWise Exploring College Options: The Value of Fly-In Programs

Exploring College Options: The Value of Fly-In Programs

Embarking on the college journey feels like stepping into a world full of unknowns. With tests, essays, and recommendation letters swirling around, one important factor often gets pushed to the side — visiting colleges in person. That’s where fly-in programs come in.

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IvyWise How to Appeal Your Need-Based Financial Aid Award

How to Appeal Your Need-Based Financial Aid Award

You’ve just been admitted to the school of your dreams. You are over the moon, sharing your excitement with your family — until you see the financial aid package. What?! Where did that number come from?

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IvyWise A Former Admissions Officer's Hidden Gem Colleges

A Former Admissions Officer’s Hidden Gem Colleges

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IvyWise Exploring an Interest in Psychology

Exploring an Interest in Psychology

Do you enjoy learning about the brain and how it works, why we make the decisions we make, and how the brain influences our behaviors? Are you interested in mental health? If you answered yes to either (or both!) of these questions, psychology might be the path for you.

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