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IvyWise KnowledgeBase

IvyWise What to Know About the Character Skills Snapshot

What to Know About the Character Skills Snapshot

With the increasing number of applicants applying to independent day and boarding schools, admissions committees have started adapting additional testing tools to the application process. One tool that’s growing in popularity is the Character Skills Snapshot, which was developed by the Enrollment Management Association, makers of the SSAT standardized test.

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IvyWise Liberal Arts Colleges Are Still a Great Choice for Many Students

Liberal Arts Colleges Are Still a Great Choice for Many Students

The cost of attending a four-year college continues to grow and is already one of the largest investments a family can make, with many private colleges and universities charging upwards of $70,000 a year in tuition, room, and board.

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How Non-Traditional Students Can Make the Most of Their Experience

Are you a homeschooler? A distance learner? A non-traditional student? If so, you have some key elements to consider when applying to college to make the most of your experience beyond what traditional students can offer. For colleges, a non-traditional student is someone who does not attend an in-person school.

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IvyWise What Goes Into a Law School Application?

What Goes into a Law School Application?

Applying to law school has many similarities to applying to undergrad, with some key differences. So, what are those differences? And what goes into a law school application? Learning about the components of the law school application can help you manage expectations about the process and be better prepared.

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IvyWise Advice for C Students From a Former Admissions Officer

Advice for C Students from a Former Admissions Officer

“I got a B in AP Calculus,” a student recently said to me. “I guess I won’t have a shot at my dream schools, since I know colleges automatically reject students who don’t have straight A’s.” This is a conversation I often have with students this time of year. I assured my student that one B on his otherwise flawless transcript does not make it or break it. However, having worked in the admissions office at Columbia University — which has a 4.1% acceptance rate — I’m not naive about the selective review process.

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IvyWise Undergraduate vs. Deferred Enrollment: How to Know When You Will Be the Most Competitive Business School Applicant

Undergraduate vs. Deferred Enrollment: How to Know When You Will Be the Most Competitive Business School Applicant

One of the most common discussions I have with families is when to apply to business school. There are three questions to consider:

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IvyWise A Gap Year Can Set the Stage for a More Meaningful College Experience

A Gap Year Can Set the Stage for a More Meaningful College Experience

If you surveyed the participants of an average college freshmen orientation, you probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the incoming class has a variety of experiences and backgrounds. However, it might be surprising to learn about the growing number of students who chose to take extended time between completing high school and enrolling in a university of their choice.

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IvyWise How to Build a Strong Student Profile for College Admissions

How to Build a Strong Student Profile for College Admissions

Most savvy college applicants these days are finely tuned into the fact that it takes a lot more than being an accomplished, high-achieving student to gain a coveted acceptance to the nation’s top institutions. But how exactly do you develop the best applicant profile?

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Ivy League Summer Programs for High School and Middle School Students

It’s important for middle and high school students to use the summer productively so they can build on what they learn in the classroom and further explore their interests. Academic summer programs are a great opportunity to delve into a subject more deeply. Students who want to attend a summer program at an Ivy League school can take courses that align with their interests while meeting other highly motivated and talented students.  

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IvyWise What Do Retention Rates Mean to College Applicants?

What Do Retention Rates Mean to College Applicants?

When it comes to researching colleges, there is certainly not a lack of information available — so much so that it can be overwhelming to figure out which data points are most useful. Numerous ranked lists are published annually, there are websites that provide students’ reviews of colleges, and then there’s my personal favorite, the thick, desktop Bound-For-College Guidebook.

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