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IvyWise KnowledgeBase

IvyWise What is a BS/MD Program and How to Prepare

What Is a BS/MD Program and How to Prepare

Medical schools are composed of many different types of students. Some, like me, didn’t know they wanted to become physicians or surgeons until they were in college, or even quite a bit later in their lives. (See this awesome list of post-baccalaureate programs for more details.) Others knew from an early age that their future was in medicine, and like the goddess Athena, they sprung forth as a fully formed premed with a four-color highlighter grasped tightly in their tiny baby hands.

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IvyWise Uncovering Your Passions Using the College Admissions Process

Uncovering Your Passions Using the College Admissions Process

Most U.S. colleges and universities use a holistic review method when reviewing applicants for admission, considering various aspects of a student’s academic and personal record. This includes the tangibles, like a student’s four-year transcript, test scores, recommendation letters, and essays. 

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IvyWise College Admissions Rubric: Developing a Competitive Transcript

College Admissions Rubric: Developing a Competitive Transcript

The transcript is one of the most powerful documents provided in the application process and is often one of the first components of the college application that evaluators consider. A student’s GPA, found on a transcript, can be regarded as a significant indicator of success in post-secondary education and therefore has an essential role when considering applicants.

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IvyWise All-Women's Colleges: What They Offer and What to Consider

All-Women’s Colleges: What They Offer and What to Consider

I’ve spent a lot of time over the past several years thinking about the answer to one (admittedly nerdy, very college counselor-y) question: If I could go to college all over again, which school would I choose? I attended a medium-sized research institution in a major city in the southern U.S. and had a very good experience.

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The Best Preparation for College and Beyond Is a WiseStart™

As the college admissions process becomes ever more complex and competitive, parents often ask, “When should we start?” While my colleagues and I work in age-appropriate programs with students in all high-school grades, there is value in laying a strong, early foundation.

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IvyWise Five Helpful Calculator Skills for the AP Calculus Exam

5 Helpful Calculator Skills for the AP Calculus Exam

You’ve spent all year working hard and mastering the difficult topics covered in AP Calculus. The AP exam is just around the corner and you want to be as prepared as possible. The exam is broken into two sections: multiple choice and free response.

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Spring Into Self-Expression: Developing Your Writing Voice Through Journaling

And so began my very first journal entry. The navy blue velvet cover, complete with the silver outline of a unicorn, has withstood the test of time. As a 9-year-old, I recall feeling a sense of self-importance as I put ink to paper in rather awkward cursive handwriting and recounted my school day in a short paragraph. 

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IvyWise Exploring Independent Projects Using Social Media and Research

Exploring Independent Projects Using Social Media and Research

Are you interested in turning your love of memes and social media into a project that could help you get into college? There are a lot of creative ways that students can engage in their interests and have something for their college applications through independent projects.

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IvyWise Medical School Application Timeline

Medical School Application Timeline

Is applying to medical school on your agenda for this year? Much like undergraduate admissions, the medical school application process is multifaceted and comprehensive, so we always encourage applicants to prepare well in advance.

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Colleges that Accept Many Students Through Early Decision

Students who are interested in applying Early Decision likely have many questions about the process. From what the timeline looks like to how this process will impact their admissions odds, there are a multitude of queries that go through every applicant’s mind.

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