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A Look Inside LGBTQ+ Friendly Schools with Former Admissions Directors

On Demand


Join IvyWise college admissions counselors for a deep dive into LGBTQ+ friendly colleges and universities. With over 3,000 four-year institutions in the U.S., it can be difficult to develop an understanding of what makes each university unique. In this IvyWise Live series, our college admissions counselors introduce the different types of colleges and universities available in the U.S. You will learn about academics available at different types of schools, how campus life differs, and how to prepare for the application process while in high school.

Learn about some of the most popular colleges and universities for students who identify as LGBTQ+, as well as some under-the-radar schools that students should consider. IvyWise experts share insights on how students can prepare to study LGBTQ+ Studies at the college level and how to evaluate a college’s culture when considering it for their list.

At the end of their presentation, IvyWise experts answered attendees’ questions about college admissions.

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Meet Our Expert Presenter

Highly Selective Admissions
International Students
Master College Admissions Counselor
Academic Advisor
A master designation indicates a counselor has an even more extensive background in admissions, college counseling, and/or tenure with IvyWise.
Former Admissions Officer, University of Southern California, Former Assistant Director of Admissions, Boston University
NY Metro
Meet Tasha